Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barak Obama Inaguration, Eng 316

>>I created a blog for you to report to them what you see, what you
hear, and what you think it means to you, this country, and the world.<<

Watching the inauguration today, I think the main message was Hope. It was estimated that over 3million people traveled to Washington, DC for the inauguration. It felt like a majority of the event was people screaming in the back ground or musical performances. I have mixed feelings on this. I hope that they were screams of sincerity rather than of a pop-culture phenomenon. Regardless of this, I know that I witnessed history.

Along with sincerity, I hope the American people stay informed. In my lifetime, there has not been a president filled with so much hope, but also entered presidency with so much controversy. Today, January 20, 2008, President Barack Obama's job has truly just begun.

I have to agree with some critics, that his Inauguration speech delivery was solid, but the actual diction behind it did not resonate with me. I hope upon hope that the new attitude that Obama brings to Americans is not temporary, but will last throughout his turn. America is at a turning point in its history which will define or haunt her in the future.

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